AEIS Preparation Course

AEIS Preparation Course

AEIS is held by the Singapore Ministry of Education for enrollment of government primary and secondary schools. Subjects tested includes English and Mathematics, conducted in English.

AEIS eligibility:
Students that have yet to enroll in Singapore government primary schools and intend to enroll to in Primary 2 to Primary 5, Secondary 1 to Secondary 3 on January of the following year are eligible to take part in AEIS.

AEIS Primary School age requirement:
AEIS primary school assessment is separated into two categories, first category is for Primary 2 and Primary 3, second category is for Primary 4 and Primary 5, the age requirement are:

Age as at 1st Jan of the Year of Admission
Test to Apply For
Content Tested
Possible Outcome
7 to 7+
P2 / P3
P1 / P2
P2 or P1 or fail
8 to 8+
P2 / P3
P1 / P2
P3 or P2 or P1 or fail
9 to 9+
P4 / P5
P3 / P4
P4 or P3 or P2 or fail
10 to 10+
P4 / P5
P3 / P4
P5 or P4 or P3 or fail
11 to 11+
P4 / P5
P3 / P4
P5 or P4 or fail
12 to 12+
P4 / P5
P3 / P4
P5 or fail

AEIS secondary school age requirement:
There are 3 categories for Secondary school, they are Secondary 1, Secondary 2 and Secondary 3, and the age requirement are as follows:

Age as at 1st Jan of the Year of Admission
Test to Apply For
Content Tested
Possible Outcome
12 to 14+
SEC 1 or fail
13 to 15+
SEC 2 or fail
14 to 16+
SEC 3 or fail


Primary 2/3 English

The AEIS Primary 2/3 English test comprises 34 multiple-choice questions on comprehension and language use. Applicants will be given 1 hour to complete.

Comprehension and language use

34 compulsory multiple-choice questions

  • Comprehension (based on two passages) – 6 items
  • Comprehension cloze (based on two passages) – 10 items
  • Vocabulary – 5 items
  • Grammar – 5 items
  • Spelling – 8 items

Primary 2/3 Mathematics

The AEIS Primary 2/3 Mathematics test comprises two parts. Applicants will be given 30 minutes to complete Part 1 and 1 hour and 20 minutes to complete Part 2. The use of calculators is not allowed.

Number of Items
Part 1
Multiple-choice questions
34 items
Part 2
Short-answer questions
34 items

For short-answer questions, applicants will have to show the method of solution (working steps) clearly and write the answer in the space provided.

Primary 4/5 English

The AEIS Primary 4/5 English test comprises two parts. Applicants will be given 2 hours to complete Part 1 and Part 2. The paper is taken in a single sitting.

Part 1
Two topics are set, one of which comes with a picture.
Applicants choose one topic and write a composition of at least 100 words on it.
Part 2
Comprehension and language use
50 compulsory multiple-choice questions
• Comprehension (based on two passages) - 10 items
• Comprehension cloze (based on two passages) - 12 items
• Vocabulary - 14 items• Grammar - 14 items

Primary 4/5 Mathematics

The AEIS Primary 4/5 Mathematics test comprises two parts. Applicants will be given 40 minutes to complete Part 1, and 1 hour and 40 minutes to complete Part 2. The use of calculators is not allowed.

Number of Items
Part 1
Multiple-choice questions
36 items
Part 2
Short-answer questions
16 items
Part 2
Open-ended questions
12 items

For short-answer questions, applicants will have to show the method of solution (working steps) clearly and write the answer in the space provided.

Open-ended questions generally require longer and/or more complex method of solution as compared to short-answer questions. For open-ended questions, applicants will have to show the method of solution (working steps) clearly and write the answer in the space provided.

Secondary English

The AEIS Secondary English test comprises two parts. Applicants will be given 2 hours and 10 minutes to complete Part 1 and Part 2. The paper is taken in a single sitting.

Part 1
Two topics are set for Sec 1, and four topics are set for Sec 2 and Sec 3.
Applicants choose one topic and write a composition on it.
• Applicants sitting for Sec 1 will write 200 - 300 words.
• Applicants sitting for Sec 2 will write 250 - 350 words.
• Applicants sitting for Sec 3 will write 300 - 400 words.
Part 2
Comprehension and language use
50 compulsory multiple-choice questions
• Comprehension (based on two passages) - 15 items
• Comprehension cloze (based on two passages) - 15 items
• Vocabulary - 10 items• Grammar - 10 items

Secondary Mathematics

The AEIS Secondary Mathematics test comprises two parts. Applicants will be given 30 minutes to complete Part 1, and 1 hour and 45 minutes to complete Part 2. The use of calculators is not allowed.

Number of Items
Part 1
Multiple-choice questions
34 items
Part 2
Short-answer questions
20 items
Part 2
Open-ended questions
10 to 15 items

For short-answer questions, applicants will have to show the method of solution (working steps) clearly and write the answer in the space provided.

Open-ended questions generally require longer and / or more complex method of solution as compared to short-answer questions. For open-ended questions, applicants will have to show the method of solution (working steps) clearly and write the answer in the space provided.

Course Consultant

No matter what your educational needs are, we will help you at every step.
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